The Praise Center

Jesus Loves YOUJesus Loves YOU
Jesus Loves YOUJesus Loves YOUJesus Loves YOU
Jesus Loves YOUJesus Loves YOU
"Encouraging FAITH, HOPE and VISION for a Higher Purpose"
15701 N. 113th E. Avenue
(19th & 156th)
Collinsville, Oklahoma 74021
                 Sundays  10:00 A.M.
Pastor Kevin & LeAnn Taylor
Pastor Kevin and the Families of Praise Center Church Invite you and your family and friends to join with us and worship together on
This page was last updated on: November 2, 2021
2 Chronicles 5:14
We believe in the manifestation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, open expression of worship and acceptance of all people  ... to help lead each one to a closer and deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour.
We are an independent Spirit-filled gathering of people, just like you, who have come together to Worship & Praise and study God's Holy Word through His son Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Jesus Christ has a place for YOU!!!
We might just be that place!
Praise Center
stay for the
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Lost? Hurting? Need someone to agree with you in Prayer?
Need to know someone is praying for you?
Praise the Lord!!!
May this be your year
to receive all of God's blessings!
"God's Manifested Presence"