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Below is a "Special Congratulations" to my Friend: Dan Whittle
"Oklahoma's Arm-Wrestling Champion"

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Raney Family
Chiropractic Clinic
We sincerely care about our patientsWe sincerely care about our patients
We sincerely care about our patientsWe sincerely care about our patientsWe sincerely care about our patients
We sincerely care about our patientsWe sincerely care about our patientsWe sincerely care about our patientsWe sincerely care about our patients
We sincerely care about our patientsWe sincerely care about our patientsWe sincerely care about our patients
We sincerely care about our patientsWe sincerely care about our patients
We sincerely care about our patients
We sincerely care about our patientsWe sincerely care about our patients
6373 South Memorial
Tulsa, OK 74133
(918) 249-3500
We really can HELP!!!
We care about our patients.
Thank the Lord, my rock, who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to do battle.Psalm 144:1 (God's Word Bible)